Contoh Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester Genap
Hello, I'm back. Tak terasa semester genap sudah berjalan hampir sekitar 3 bulan. Dan sudah memasuki waktu untuk melaksanakan kegiatan PTS (Penilaian Tengah Semester). Menjadi kewajiban bagi seorang guru untuk melaksanakan kegiatan PTS (Penilaian Tengah Semester) atau dulunya dikenal dengan istilah UTS (Ujian Tengah Semester). Hal tersebut bertujuan untuk melihat sejauh mana pencapaian kompetensi peserta didik selama setengah semester.
Berikut, saya akan berbagi contoh soal PTS Bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 9 semester genap. Semoga bermanfaat ya!
Choose A, B, C or D for the best answer!
The following text is for questions 1 to 4.
Once upon a time an owl and a pigeon met and talked.
"There are more owls than pigeons," said Owl.
"No way," said Pigeon, "There are many more pigeons."
"Let's count!" answered Owl, "We will meet in the big woods a week from today."
On that day, the owl came first. The trees were full of them. The owl laughed and said, "Oowah-wah-wah !"
Soon they heard a loud roar from the sky. Pigeons were coming from everywhere! The owl could not believe there could be so many pigeons. They sat there moving their heads back and forth staring with wide eyes.
The owls stared so long and hard at the pigeons that their eyes just stayed that way. Then, one by one the owls took off, fled into the sky.
In the meantime, the pigeons were shouting to each other, celebrating their victory. Since then, owls have always traveled at night when the pigeons are asleep.
The following text is for questions 5 to 7.
Once upon a time, there lived a man by himself who couldn't see, in a small town. He carried a lighted lamp with him whenever he went out at night.
One night as he was coming home after having a dinner outside, he came a cross a group of young travellers. They saw that he was blind, yet carrying a lighted lamp. They were curious and one of them asked him, "Sir, you can't see anything! Why do you carry the lamp?" The blind man replied, "Yes, unfortunately, I am blind and I can't see anything but a lighted lamp which I am carrying is for the people like you who can see. You may not see the blind man coming and end up pushing me. That is why I carry a lighted lamp."
The group of travelers felt ashamed. Then, they apologized for their behaviuor. They accompanied the man to his house.
The following text is for no. 18 to 21.
Cows are the most widespread type of cattle. There are over 1 billion cows around the world. They live on every continent except Antarctica. A female who has given birth is called a cow. A female who has not given birth is called a heifer. A baby cow is called a calf.
Cows weigh between 400-1,600 pounds. They drink 35 gallons of water a day and eat 50 pounds of food a day. Cows are herbivores, meaning they eat grasses, plants, corn. They do not eat meat.
Cows are raised as livestock for meat, and as dairy animals for milk and other dairy products. Cows do not produce milk until after they have given birth. A cow can produce 6 gallons of milk a day. In some countries they are also used to pull carts and plows. People also make use of their skin as leather for making shoes, bags, belts and crafts.
The following text is for no. 22 to 25.
The jackfruit is a common tropical fruit. It is easily found in South Asia and Southeast Asia. It is often planted in central and eastern Africa and very popular in Brazil and Suriname. It lives in well-drained and warm location with a good exposure to sunlight.
A jackfruit tree can grow as big as an oak tree. It can reach a height of 25 meters. The diameter of its canopy is about 3.5 to 6.7 meters. All parts contain a sticky, white latex. The leaves are glossy and deep green in colour. Each plant can yield 25 to 100 fruits. The diameter of its trunk is about 50cm to 100cm. In some countries, people use its trunk for doors and windows.
A jackfruit is the largest tree-borne fruit in the world, reaching 80 pounds in weight and up to 36 inches long and 20 inches in diameter. A ripe jackfruit will have yellow-brown skin. Inside the skin, there are yellow edible bulbs. There may be 50 to 100 edible bulbs in a single fruit.
Kunci Jawaban
Semoga bermanfaat ya, guys.
Diolah dari berbagai sumber.
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